Say goodbye:And hello:Took less than 5 hours but whatever - I had to put as much allowance as possible.It's December, and although I would've liked to have a new layout in time for the new year, I think it's time I change how Pop Reviews Now looks and feels. 2009 was a big year for the blog and although I absolutely adored BeE's layout for me, I have to move on to bigger and more complex things. After all, PRN has to compete with a whole other set of Philippine entertainment blogs for this year's Philippine Blog Awards and layout is part of the criteria.

YES, I'm determined to win this year - I'm not gonna lose to anyone or anything in 2010.

But with this fresh new look that kinda steers me away from the 'home made blog'/'amateur blog' look, my writing won't (consciously) change, I promise. Yay!
A note about the new layout:

As you can see, I've made use of the 'read more' function. So yeah - to see the whole post from the home page you have to click of the 'read the entire post' link.


  1. sweet new look :) Can i get away with saying sweet? Well i guess i just did :P

  2. I always love your layout ideas. Must have took you ages! Looks great -- very professional!

  3. It looks so much more like a real blog now :) Nice work~

  4. Yay! Good to know everyone's liking the makeover.


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