Thank you SO MUCH

Earlier this year, I said that 2011 is a turning point for me - so many things are happening, changing, and starting that I needed to prioritize and put PRN on hold from mid-January to mid-April.

I was away for 3 months trying to finish high school, choosing between the two top universities in the country, and preparing to leave the life I've known for the past 4 years. Those were my priorities during that time.

A few weeks back, fresh from graduation, I returned to blogging. It took me a long time, and heaps of doubts, to get into writing again, find all my old readers, and recover from 3 months of dormancy, but I did it, and I'm here. With you guys.

I'd just like to assure you that Pop Reviews Now will be my main priority this May - I will get it back to how it was just before I left, even if that means having to put out posts every day. And I would also like to thank you all SO SO SOOOO MUCH for not only welcoming me, but for waiting for me. I cannot stress enough how much PRN's success means to me, and my ambitions - thank you for helping me more than you can imagine.

I built PRN, and my reputation, with nothing less than hard work and sacrifice. Even if I'm not the most talented writer around, I would like to thank you guys for continuously reading my work, and giving me priceless feedback - the only way I know how to repay you is by assuring you that I'm not going anywhere, and that PRN will be the biggest thing on my mind this May.


  1. Hello~
    I always read your reviews and respect your opinions on pop a lot. However, I don't comment usually, so think of it this way: however many comments you get, there are still more people who are reading without comments.
    Waiting For More Vocal Commentaries ;)

  2. ^ What he/she said! :B

    I know it's weird, but I'm wondering if you would ever consider doing another vocal commentary for SNSD later during the year, since they've been improving a lot since going to Japan! :>


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