A (little) announcement/celebratory post.

THIS BLOG IS A FINALIST FOR THE 2009 PHILIPPINE BLOG AWARDS. Not just a nominee anymore - A FINALIST. You guys don't know how damn excited and honored I am.

I've said a million times that in my entire life, I have never won a single big thing by myself and that the Palanca awards meant the world to me but you know what, this blog awards thing seems bigger than what my Palanca dreams will ever be. I love blogging, I do it without fear or insecurity so to be recognized for something I love doing by peers who know what they're talking about makes this even sweeter.

Then there's the fact that I'm just a few days to 15 years old while some of the other finalists have been alive and blogging for longer than I have but there I am - right beside them. Whether I win or not, just being put with people a heck of a lot older than me is an honor in itself and makes me feel like I actually am somewhat good at this blogging thing.

The complete list of nominees is here: http://www.philippineblogawards.com.ph/2009/09/23/finalists-for-the-2009-philippine-blog-awards-nationwide-categories/

This has just made my birthday the best one ever. My 15th birthday will be brilliant.


  1. Aww congratulations to you kid -- I always knew you were on your way to it. :D Just you hang on there for a moment, I'm pretty sure you WILL be able to achieve your writing dreams, so long as you keep on writing to sharpen those skills you already possess. Might I just state that I was actually shocked the first time I wandered into this site as it didn't really sound as if you were the one writing here -- your writing appears to have greatly improved since the last time I'd read something by you. :D

  2. Aww. Thanks - it honestly means a lot to come from you. Has my writing really changed and when was the last time you read something by me?

  3. ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!! You so deserve to win!! One of my faves blog getting recognize! Hell yeah! Good Luck~

  4. I SWEAR I left a comment! Maybe I mistyped the word approval and just didn't notice? Anyway, BIG congratulations! It's very well-deserved--you should be really proud of your writing.

  5. rcLoy - Thanks!

    Poster Girl - Hahah. Thanks! *freaks out*

  6. Congratulations. Your writing and thought process is beyond your years, this is for sure. Most adults cannot write as well as you!

  7. *dies*

    You've made me want to cry right now! AAAHHH! Thanks so much!

  8. i said my congrats on twitter but it seems right that i should formally say how amazing your blog is right here on it's very pages. You are one smart cookie, and i hope you have many successful years of blogging ahead of you :) I'll definitely be reading!

  9. Haha OK. Thanks and you don't know how honored I am to have you reading! hahah.


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