Interview: Edei

It's been a while since my last interview, but I promise you, the interviews I'm expecting to put out in the next few weeks/months are big. And I mean BIG. For an idea of whose brains I'll be picking in the future, check my Twitter list of PRN exclusive interviews.
So Edei. I remember first coming across this girl back when she was still called Emma Deigman. Her claim to fame? Supporting GA on tour last year. Not bad, not bad at all. Well she's called Edei now, and she's got a new single - In My Bed. It's got spunk but it's polished - very Brit, reminds me of a younger Duffy. It's out on the 12th, and a full-length album to follow later this year.

Did that sound like a press release? Ugh great. But anyway, I got to pick her brains recently, and here's what came out of my little brain-picking session. It should get you to buy her single. Or should it?

1. You first debuted under the name Emma Deigman. Why did you decide to change your stage name? Is this just a name change or has your music changed as well?

Well i decided to change my name because no one could ever say my surname and also it was just better shorter so all i did was take the E from my first name and the DEI from my surname to make EDEI (pronounced like Edy Sedwick). My music has changed a bit, we've gone down the more funk soul route this time and it has a bit of pop in it. I still have the old stuff which i love and will definitely look to bring out in the future as a second album or something but for now this album i feel is a lot more "in the now".

2. How would you describe your music now?

I would say its summery, fun and soulful, a cd you can just put on in the car or at home just relaxing and just have it playing the whole way through!

3. Is breaking into the US market a priority for you now? Why or why not?

I have always said that breaking Britain is my biggest challenge because it's my own country and i want to do well in it. It's also the hardest country i think to break so it's a challenge. The US i have always loved since i was a little girl. I recorded my whole album out in New York, (my favourite city!!) so it definitely has an American feel to it but i think that breaking the US is a question for maybe later... Gotta make it here first!!

4. What do you want the release of "In My Bed" to achieve?

I think a first single release as a new artist is always hard and of course i would love to say that i would love a top ten with it as everyone probably dreams for their first single. But i would just like to be recognised from it and hope that people like it! But you just don't know until it comes round to it!

5. Who are your musical influences and what have you drawn from them?

Wow, where to start i have so many! I think from a young age my Dad always played Rod Stewart and it's from listening to that, that i looked more into soul and motown and started listening to Marvin Gaye, Patti Labelle, The Temptations which is where i guess i got my soul vibe from. But i always loved Lauren Hill and Michael Jackson as artists that i admired. I saw Michael Jackson live (my first ever concert!) when i was little and he was just so mesmerising live, i remember thinking i wanna do that! i wanna be on that stage jumping around and having an audience like that screaming! One of my favourite artists in the world and most influencial in lyric terms is Gavin Degraw, he's just incredible and again another amazing live act.

6. Have any of your past experiences affected the music you make now?

Well i first started properly focussing on music when i went to boarding school because i hated it and so would, in my spare time, just sit and write lyrics to get away from it all. I definitely think past experiences have helped me write a lot of the tracks on this albums as they are drawn from things that have happened in my life. One of my favourite songs on the album is actually a song i wrote about my parents about 4 years ago. My dad battled cancer for 4 years (who was given a miracle, and is cleared now!) and so the song is about that and how my mum was so amazing through it all. Its a heart clencher, ha, but I think it's definitely my favourite on the album as it's the closest to me.

7. What's more important to you, song (melody, instruments,production) or lyric? Why?

For me it would have to be lyrics. I think it's important to have a strong melody and beat as thats how people catch onto the songs but when i listen to songs i listen to the lyrics. That's why i love Gavin Degraw because his lyrics are so fascinating that i sit and listen for hours wandering what they're about. Lyrics say a lot about an artist as well i think because (if they've written the song) you can get a feel of what they're like.

8. Which active artist do you see as your biggest rival? Why and in which aspects?

I don't really look at other artists in that way. To be honest i don't really listen to that many new female artists because i don't want to put things in my head. I just concentrate on what i've got to do and how i want to succeed, not who i have to beat. There's room for us all!

9. When can we expect a full-length album and what are your plans for the near future?

I think the album is due to be released late September if all goes to plan! Who knows what the near future will bring... i'm just concentrating on single release at the moment and gigging my socks off around London. As long as i'm up on a stage singing my songs i'm so happy!

10. What do you want to be remembered for in the next 10 or 20 years?

Just for my music and for me being remembered as a live artist as that's my favourite thing to do. I just want to gig for the rest of my life and always have people that want to come and see me. So for me i think i'd love to be remembered as a "live act" to go see!

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