Interview: Logan Lynn

I bring you guys yet another interview! Yay!Logan Lynn may be virtually unknown to the mainstream music scene but around the indie music circles, he's one of the biggest things ever. With acclaimed reviews for his newest release From Pillar To Post coming in from all around the world (and the internet) and the video for his lead single Write it On My Left Arm debuting on MTV, there's no doubt that this guy will be here for years to come. So here's what materialized when I picked his brains. Hahah. Enjoy!

1. For my readers who haven't heard of you yet, how would you describe yourself as an artist and your music?

I think it’s safe to call what I do electropop, but I tend to explore the darker side of things lyrically and write about what’s real to me at any given time. Over the past decade since I released my first record my sound has evolved from a very stripped, lo-fi experience into what it is today. I think it’s much more musical now than ever before on the instrumental side, due to my working with such talented people in recent years instead of trying to do it all myself. It’s given me the chance to focus on the parts I am good at and let my collaborators handle the elements which fall under their expertise. It's made the finished product more polished, full sounding...bigger.

2. To you, what is the most important element of a song - the instrumentation, the melody, the lyrics or what? Why?

For me, it’s the lyrics and melody. When I listen to other people’s music that is what I am paying most attention their lyrics make me cringe? If not, I listen further. If so, it’s over almost immediately.

Most of my songs start as words on a page, then morph into vocal melodies with my keyboard, then get reworked and remixed by a producer in the studio once the collaboration begins...but I’m rooted firmly on the lyrical/vocal end, however the song is created, and always retain total control over those elements. I feel like that is the key ingredient for the connections I’ve made with my listeners. They are tuned in to hear something honest, so I try and write things as they are, whether that makes me look good or not.

3. What do you think the pop music industry right now lacks?

I think right now is a time in the industry where there really are no limits, from a consumer perspective AND as an artist. Whatever a listener wants to find, they can do so almost immediately with the click of the mouse. I think, if anything, the music industry lacks ingenuity in adapting to the digital age on a whole. With the way things are now, bands and labels really have to chart a new course with their fans and markets in order to keep up with how quickly the technology is changing. The big business middle men are becoming less important as direct relationships with fans are easier to cultivate. I actually think this is a good thing...the old walls of the old way of doing things have been broken down and it’s left an open window for creative musicians with good songs and no budget to get noticed and have their music heard.

4. Reviews of your new album compared you to a lot of established artists, how you do feel about being compared to them?

Yeah, it’s been great to get the response we’ve gotten so far in the press. I’m obviously honored to be compared to people who I have respect for and actually listen to myself! I am thrilled for fans of those comparison bands to find me by way of them. I'll take it.

5. What aspect of you career do you put the most importance on? Why?

I want to make songs that people can relate to, in part because I love making music and in part because it helps shrink my world to a manageable size. When someone connects with my tunes I receive that as a direct connection with me and it makes me feel less I’m a part of something larger than just me alone in the world. It’s hard to explain, but that’s what I’m in it for.

6. If you were to enter the industry not as a singer, what would you be - a songwriter, producer, record executive?

If I lost my voice tomorrow I’d probably still want to be a songwriter...I mostly have interest in the musical side of things in the industry, so I can’t imagine that I’d pursue being an executive of anything where I couldn’t wear jeans and a hat everyday to work. I can see myself producing for others (and myself) later down the road if the right project came my way. At this point, I’m still learning a lot about how it all works and am happy to be doing what I’m doing.

7. Your new album, From Pillar To Post, was pre-released a while back and is gonna be officially released in late November. What do you want to achieve with this album?

I’d love for it to be heard and for people to like having heard it...plain and simple. Beyond that, everything is gravy.

8. In the near future, would you like to be signed to one of the Big 4 labels? Why or why not?

Not if they are going to tell me what to do and put me in some uncomfortable box. The good thing about “Beat The World” is that they sign individuals and encourage them to stay that way. They gave me the opportunity to develop themselves, not be turned into something some focus group says I should be in order to sell more records and make them more money. I am totally happy with where I’m positioned in label land for the moment and wouldn't change a thing.

9. How do you want your music to grow or change as you release more material? Do you want to do one thing now and a completely different thing the next time or would you want to slowly and consciously change or something else?

I tend to mix it up and changing my sound with each release...the basic properties of my songs remain the same, but the music changes as I work with different producers on projects and my writing changes as I grow...I just want every record I make to be better than the last. If I can keep that up, I’ll be happy.

10. What do you want to be remembered for in the next 10 or 20 years?

I’d like to be remembered for making records that matter...for being brave in my songwriting and not holding back. I want people to remember the truth about me, whatever that turns out to be over the next 10 to 20 years.

Find Logan Online:
Official Website


  1. another great interview. I'm checking out Logan now! And liking what I'm hearing :)

  2. Thanks! Yay, glad you like him! Hahah.


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