#19: Girls' Generation/SNSD - Run Devil Run

I have a very well-documented love-hate relationship with SNSD both on this blog and on Twitter - one day I hate them, one day I adore them, for a number of reasons. What I cannot deny though is the fact that they get top quality SME songs, and that fact is enough to put them on the list this year, and rather high up for that matter.

I kinda hate SNSD because there are vocally-useless members and a lot of them at that, and because I personally think that SME should've spent the money they did on SNSD on CSJH. If they had, the world would've been a much better place and I would've considered forgiving them for a few more things. Oh well.

On the other hand, like I said a while ago, these girls are getting top-quality SME songs - SM is known in my books for having outstanding production, and getting the best out of that is almost unimaginable. When SM gets it right with SNSD, aka when they're not acting cute-sy, they really get it right. And I'd like to say that they got it right with Run Devil Run.

It's definitely not as good as Genie for me, but it's pretty damn close. And considering what came before this (the mistake that was Oh!), it's also pretty damn good. I've complained enough about their lack of a solid identity, so I'll let it go for today and just focus on the song.

They most definitely can't perform this live without some of them screwing it up, but it is a good song - it's grown on me. Took a lot longer than Genie, but it has grown on me. The melody is pretty, but it has enough kick to do the "concept" justice - their recorded vocals are fine, and I'll end it at that. Production-wise this is epic in all ways possible, arrangement-wise it can get a little boring because the song's basically going nowhere, but that's the point of the song, I believe.

So why place it this high? Because this is, in my opinion, representative of k-pop girl groups this year. Lupin was a slightly better song, but the execution faltered - I can and will say that SNSD as a whole are much better singers than KARA, albeit still not good enough for my standards. Run Devil Run is the perfect balance of OK vocals, fantastic production, and that "dark concept" a lot of girl groups went for this year. In short, this is where kpop was this year, and it's not half-bad, actually.


  1. i love this song i think this is one of the best songs this year next to "hoot"

  2. While I thought Oh! was a fun song, it does not do any of the girls' vocals any justice. RDR was one of the few songs that Taeyeon really liked. She disliked Gee and Hoot and they all became hits. Seohyun hated Oh! and she claims that she has not found their "It" song yet, and Tiffany was made fun of for Kissing You.
    Notice that these are the 3 girls you ranked as the better vocals too. It's possible the others may have complaints about their concept, but they can't say it lest they face this from the netizens: "You can't sing any better anyway so why are YOU complaining?"

  3. "I kinda hate SNSD because there are vocally-useless members and a lot of them at that, and because I personally think that SME should've spent the money they did on SNSD on CSJH. If they had, the world would've been a much better place and I would've considered forgiving them for a few more things. Oh well."

    You really don't like this group, do you? It's kind of obvious you're more biased towards groups with the "big" vocals, like Wonder Girls, Brown Eyed Girls and CSJH.

    Brown Eyed Girls - Only reason I listen to this group anymore is Miryo. Ga In overdoes the "sexy" image (she literally cannot take a photo without gobs of eye makeup, a "sultry" glare and her mouth hanging open), and Narsha and JeA are pretty much ignored.

    Wonder Girls - I've tried to like them, but I just can't. Sohee and Hyelim are atrocious singers, and Sunye and Yenny don't do anything to stand out. Yubin's got a nice deep voice, but her rapping skills are sadly mediocre.

    CSJH - I've watched all their MVs and I've listened to all their songs. They have nice vocals, but they've got no pop or charisma. They're just... bland. Stephanie's an amazing dancer, but they leave her gyrating and writhing. What a waste.

    What I like about SNSD is that every member brings something to the table. The line division is getting better (even if Jessica screeches half the song), meaning that Sooyoung, who was allegedly supposed to be a part of the vocal line before Jessica became more popular gets to sing (it's especially evident in songs like "Star Star Star" and "T.O.P"), and those who are weaker (Hyoyeon, Yuri and Yoona) get backing lines. No one member is promoted above all the others, which is a problem I had with WG, 2NE1 (dammit, CL, this is NOT your solo group!) and BEG. They just... they're solid, and they've worked hard to get here.

    For what it's worth, here's my vocal rating for SNSD:

    Taeyeon > Seohyun > Tiffany > Sunny > Sooyoung > Jessica > Yuri > Yoona > Hyoyeon

    I'm sorry, it's just irritating to read the little jabs you keep taking at them.


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