The mere fact that she's Swedish got me to listen to her single(is this on an album? I haven't done my research yet..), and I loved what I heard.
I'm not usually a big fan of all this Swedish dance/techno/'trance' stuff, but this seems to fall somewhere between that and Agnes-type pop.
The instrumental is more techno but you can stick that melody into an Agnes arrangement and it'll be amazing. Kinda like Darin, only he's more R&B than hardcore dance so yeah.
That's what I love about the Swedish pop I've heard so far, they're somehow sure of who they are musically as a country. I don't know if it's the right way to put it so lemme explain. The artists are themselves, but there are certain songs that the minute I hear the melody I can tell their Swedish. Something like that.
I don't think you got a thing I said.
ANYWAY. I love the melody, I love the instrumentation so I ADORE the song!
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